Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hak Asasi Kanak-Kanak

"Hak Setiap Kanak-Kanak:
Untuk dilahirkan
Untuk mempunyai nama dan kewarganegaraan
Untuk mempunyai keluarga yang akan menjaga dan menyayangi
Untuk tinggal di dalam komuniti dan persekitaran yang aman dan damai
Untuk mempunyai makanan yang mencukupi dan tubuh badan yang aktif dan sihat
Untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik dan membentuk potensi diri
Untuk diberi peluang untuk bermain dan beriadah
Untuk dilindungi daripada penderaan,eksploitasi,kecuaian,keganasan dan bahaya
Untuk dipertahankan dan diberi bantuan oleh kerajaan
Untuk berupaya mengekspresi pandangan saya sendiri."
    Day after days, we hear babies/kids being abused, killed, burnt to death. Even in today's newspaper, a dead baby was found in a drain. No words can describe how mad & sad i am to the situation. 

    The 'parents' of d child shouldnt be called human. Their status is lower than animals. We have been given brain to think and thats what makes us better than animals. Tapi bila dah tak guna otak inilah jadinya.
    I'm trying to gain a view in d 'parents' perspectives. Dont they feel guilty of killing a tiny baby? Dont they have sympathy of d baby? Tak tercapai dek akal, manusia yang dianugerahkan dgn akal n fikiran tergamak membunuh seorg bayi. 

    Maybe its a love child but d baby has d right to live. The right to be loved. If its not by d biological parents, maybe by an adopted family. There's a lot of couples waiting to adopt a child. Why kill when u can let them live?
    Mungkin malu dgn masyarakat atau keluarga sbb lahirkan anak luar nikah. Sendiri buat sendiri tanggung kan. Maybe d family is angry or ashamed when their daughter is pregnant but as parent, guide her to make d right decision. Or send her to pusat pemulihan akhlak. Getting support from d family is d best remedy. At least they know its not d end of d world n they wont get d idea of killing d baby later. 

    I was listening to Hot FM this evening and heard an advertisement on Children's Right under UNICEF. This advertisement should have been published long time ago and should be repeated over and over again. Bila dah banyak case, baru nak keluar advertisement and awareness. But at least its a good start.

    Under UNICEF, there are 54 articles of the right under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 6 mentioned about a child has the right to live and Government should ensure that child survive and develop healthily. The word Government here shows that how critical and important government's role in ensuring a child is well protected. I do hope that government will take more serious actions in cases involving children.

    Another article (32), mentioned about child labor. We see there are a lot of children being 'forced' to mintak derma / sedekah from the public. Yang paling i tak suka, if the child wandering around on a school day. No offense but shouldn't they be at school or be studying. Why the child have to ask donations from the public, when the school administrators should have done that. And for the parents that send their children to those schools, do u want to see your child are asked to seek for donations from the public? How about the child safety when they are wandering around? silap2 kena kidnap, who should be blamed? 
    Maybe i'm wrong but i chose not to give any donations to these kids. There are ways to provide donations in the right channel. and this is not it. 

    More on Convention on the Rights of the Child here

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