During my last class, Ustazah asked us a question that made me terkelu and tertunduk
"Kalau orang memuji masakan anda sedap, apa balasan anda?"
A. "tengok kaki laaa"
B. "Saya lah yang masak"
C. "Dengan izin Allah, saya dapat memasaknya"
So which one are you?
Tanpa keizinan dari Allah tidak mungkin kita dapat memotong bawang, memegang sudip dan kuali dan akhirnya terhasillah masakan yang enak. Tetapi kita lupa untuk melafazkannya.
"Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal"
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Jom Bersukan!
Sabtu lepas, saya dengan bersungguhnya pergi bersukan? Tak percaya? tak payah percaya sebab Muqtasaem yang pergi bersukan :). It was his FIRST sports day.
the kids tent
The event was held at a futsal court. It started at 9am with march pass by the kids. Comel- comel..kiri kiri..kiri kanan kiri.
bangga sungguh yang pegang bendera tu
There are 3 houses - Purple, Green & Yellow. Muqtasaem is in the Purple house. How come masa i belajar dulu takde pun purple house. Yang ada normal color - Merah, Biru, Hijau & Kuning.
After the march pass, there are pom pom dance by the kids. Ini boleh masuk You Think You Can Dance :).
Then the games begin. Muqtasaem participated in 2 games. And his team won both games!! Yippie..menang jugak anak ku despite menangis-menangis tak mau participate..Oh yes, Muqtasaem cried once he saw me during the march pass. Anak bujang ni manja skit. Once he saw me, he refused to join his friends. Puas la i pujuk, last-last i just leave him with his teacher and sembunyi from his sight.
There were also games for the parents and teachers. Sporting parents and teachers ni.
parents game
teachers game
After all the games, the most awaited time - Prize Giving Ceremony!! And Yeay, Purple house is the CHAMPION, second place goes to Yellow and third to Green.
tengah beratur amik piala
Apa-apa pun, yang penting Muqtaasem is a Champion!
muka tetap maintain macho..takmo pandang camera
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
When was the last time you ride on a taxi?
When was the last time you ride on a taxi?
Last week, I was on public transport for a week. I noticed that in (some) taxis, there is a list of rules to be adhered by the taxi drivers.

Some interesting points
1. Driver not to leave driving seat.
-- kalau tengah drive, mmg la cannot leave d seat kan
-- if passengers need help to load luggage, cannot help ka? Hhmmm
2. Shall not carry passenger in excess 5 ppl including driver.
-- huhuhuhu i pernah naik sampai 6 org.. Siap beg pakcik taxi
3. Shall proceed to destination named by hirer by the shortest and most direct route.
-- some taxi drivers will ask, which road to use. My typical answer-- jalan yg tak jam!! Hihihi..kalau ikut jln dekat tapi jam sama je taxi fare ikut jln jauh tp tak jam..betul tak??
4. Touting is prohibited
-- u will always see this happening at klcc. I tell you, taxi drivers at klcc tak pandang langsung locals, tunggu tourist je. Kalau u nak gak naik, they already set d fare upfront. Tak patut betul
So if u happen to meet taxi drivers that do not adhere with these rules, you can lodge complaints.

Last week, I was on public transport for a week. I noticed that in (some) taxis, there is a list of rules to be adhered by the taxi drivers.

Some interesting points
1. Driver not to leave driving seat.
-- kalau tengah drive, mmg la cannot leave d seat kan
-- if passengers need help to load luggage, cannot help ka? Hhmmm
2. Shall not carry passenger in excess 5 ppl including driver.
-- huhuhuhu i pernah naik sampai 6 org.. Siap beg pakcik taxi
3. Shall proceed to destination named by hirer by the shortest and most direct route.
-- some taxi drivers will ask, which road to use. My typical answer-- jalan yg tak jam!! Hihihi..kalau ikut jln dekat tapi jam sama je taxi fare ikut jln jauh tp tak jam..betul tak??
4. Touting is prohibited
-- u will always see this happening at klcc. I tell you, taxi drivers at klcc tak pandang langsung locals, tunggu tourist je. Kalau u nak gak naik, they already set d fare upfront. Tak patut betul
So if u happen to meet taxi drivers that do not adhere with these rules, you can lodge complaints.

Monday, April 26, 2010
Tea with the kids
The other weekend, i decided to try making doughnut for my kids. I'm not so good in baking or making cookies or kuih-muih. I'm more into cooking meals - masak lauk-pauk. reason? senang, sekali masak je. If baking cookies, leceh. kena buat satu-satu, bake it..and the repeat the cycle sampai habis dough. Leceh kan? kalau masak lauk-pauk...sekali masak je, dah settle. u know what i mean? whateverlah
I've never make a doughnut before, so i googled for a recipe that make a soft doughnut. The ones that would not keras after dah sejuk..
So here goes the recipe
200g tepung roti - I used BlueKey Flour..couldn't find bread flour. Oh yes, i used the penimbang :)
20g gula
1/2 sudu kecil garam
1 sudu kecil dry yeast
140ml susu segar - I used full cream, since itu je yang ada dalam fridge :)
20g butter - Ni pun guna buttercup sebab itu je yang ada dalam fridge. Oh sangat malas nak keluar untuk membeli barang, so gunakan je la apa yang ada
minyak masak
First Step: Mix flour and salt.
Step 2: Make a hole and pour in milk with dry yeast. Mix it.
Step 3: Uli dough sampai tak melekat kat tangan. Oh yaa...part-part menguli pun i tak suka..another reason why i do not bake :)
Step 4: Cover the dough with a plastic and wait till the dough naik roughly twice the size. Try testing it by popping your finger in the middle of the dough, and it will leave a hole like this.
Step 5: Make a small round shape and deep fry it.
Step 6: To make it lil bit interesting, i coat the doughnut with chocolate.
I thought that the kids would love the chocolate coated doughnut BUT NO!!! they finished off the ones WITHOUT the chocolate in a jiff! The doughnut is soft in the inside and bit crispy on the outside.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'm hooked!
Bab-bab games, i memang ketinggalan keretapi. i'm not really a game person. Reason?
1. I'm afraid that i wont do anything, but play the games..
2. I tak suka the adrenaline rush bila main game...nak kejar masa la, nak kejar points laa..tak suka.. (tapi main gak)
I guess most of the people out there, have came across Bejeweled. Ada tak? sila jangan angkat tangan. And yes, i just downloaded the game recently and i'm totally hooked!. ni yg malas k. Siap bergaduh ngan anak-anak, nak main game kat iPhone. Sebelum ni i tak heran pun!
*image googled
So whats with this Bejeweled?
Its a game whereby you have to match the jewel according to the color. You have to match 3,4 or 5 jewels in a row. If you get 4 jewels, u build a power gem. This power gem can be used to clear a larger area. Kira dapat pecah kan lagi banyak jewels. The most powerful, if u managed to match 5 jewels in a row, a Hyper Cube will be created. How to use HyperCube? U have to carefully select the most numbered jewel and try to clear those jewel. And the jewels may not be in a row. If you are lucky, u will be clearing a larger space and gain more points.
*image googled
At first, i thought i may not be addicted. Tapi i salah k! i'm totally hooked. Geram je tengok bila markah tak tinggi-tinggi pun. A colleague of mine even managed to gain 1mill in points!!! mana tak rasa tercabar kan?
But well, its just a game. Main pun untuk suka-suka. Sambil-sambil tengah tidurkan anak-anak, dapat lah mengisi masa sekejap ngan main Bejeweled.
So what's my current score? 556, 500 je. If only it can be converted to real jewel kan?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Apa itu Earth Day?
Bumi yang tiada rimba
Seumpama hamba
Dia dicemar manusia
Yang jahil ketawa
Bumi yang tiada udara
Bagai tiada nyawa
Pasti hilang suatu hari
Tanpa disedari
Bumi tanpa lautan
Akan kehausan
Pasti lambat laun hilang
Duniaku yang malang
Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran
Bila dijiwa kita masih lagi muda dan mentah
Ku lihat hijau
Bumiku yang kian pudar
Siapa yang melihat
Di kala kita tersedar
Mungkinkah terlewat
Today is marked as official Earth Day.
What is Earth Day?
Earth day is like Mother's Day. Mother's day is a day we remember how important our mom is so Earth day is a day to remember how important Earth is to us. But everyday also can be Earth Day, rite?
Why Earth Day is important?
Because it raises awareness on how important for us to save the Earth. Our Earth is dying from all the polutions. We are the ones causing the pulutions thus we are also the ones that need to clean up the mess. If not, what are there left for our future generations? Earth day also remind us to conserve natural resources for future use. If we don't take care of our Earth, then Earth wouldn't exist!
What should we do for our Earth?
"Reuse, Reduce, Recycle". There are a lot of initiatives that we can do. We may start small, but small steps will lead to bigger change. "Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit"
When was Earth Day was first celebrated?
So what is our actions?
Seumpama hamba
Dia dicemar manusia
Yang jahil ketawa
Bumi yang tiada udara
Bagai tiada nyawa
Pasti hilang suatu hari
Tanpa disedari
Bumi tanpa lautan
Akan kehausan
Pasti lambat laun hilang
Duniaku yang malang
Dewasa ini kita saling merayakan
Kejayaan yang akhirnya membinasakan
Apalah gunanya kematangan fikiran
Bila dijiwa kita masih lagi muda dan mentah
Ku lihat hijau
Bumiku yang kian pudar
Siapa yang melihat
Di kala kita tersedar
Mungkinkah terlewat
Today is marked as official Earth Day.
What is Earth Day?
Earth day is like Mother's Day. Mother's day is a day we remember how important our mom is so Earth day is a day to remember how important Earth is to us. But everyday also can be Earth Day, rite?
Why Earth Day is important?
Because it raises awareness on how important for us to save the Earth. Our Earth is dying from all the polutions. We are the ones causing the pulutions thus we are also the ones that need to clean up the mess. If not, what are there left for our future generations? Earth day also remind us to conserve natural resources for future use. If we don't take care of our Earth, then Earth wouldn't exist!
What should we do for our Earth?
"Reuse, Reduce, Recycle". There are a lot of initiatives that we can do. We may start small, but small steps will lead to bigger change. "Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit"
When was Earth Day was first celebrated?
So what is our actions?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Mata Sepet Ku
Last weekend Nadhirah woke up with 1 sepet eye. It was not too obvious. At first i thought it may be because of semut. I just sapukan my breast milk to her eyes.
Then next morning, her eye lagi sepet. The bengkak lagi besar. So i decided to take her to the clinic. Doctor checked her eyes and asked a few questions like
- Ada taik mata? No
- Mata dia berair tak? No
- Dia garu-garu mata tak? No
She was perfectly fine. She played as usual and seems couldn't be bothered with her swollen eyes. The doctor didn't find any habuk or anything. So basically, doctor pun tak sure what cause her swollen eye. The doctor gave eye drop to be taken 4 times a day. And Alhamdulillah after 2 drops, her eyes are getting back to normal.
I pun confuse what cause her swollen eye. Any ideas?
Then next morning, her eye lagi sepet. The bengkak lagi besar. So i decided to take her to the clinic. Doctor checked her eyes and asked a few questions like
- Ada taik mata? No
- Mata dia berair tak? No
- Dia garu-garu mata tak? No
She was perfectly fine. She played as usual and seems couldn't be bothered with her swollen eyes. The doctor didn't find any habuk or anything. So basically, doctor pun tak sure what cause her swollen eye. The doctor gave eye drop to be taken 4 times a day. And Alhamdulillah after 2 drops, her eyes are getting back to normal.
I pun confuse what cause her swollen eye. Any ideas?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Adakah anda 'gersang'?
It is reported yesterday, the sex crime in Malaysia has risen 50% since 2005. What is happening to our male population? Gersang sangat kah mereka sampai sanggup melakukan jenayah seks? Sorry for the generalization of 'male population' cause i think its fair. Pernah ada ke kes pompuan rogol lelaki..takde kan? so betul la kot statement, male population dah makin gersang?
For a mom with a daughter, i felt insecure to raise my daughter in this situation. We have to monitor our daughters 24 by 7 if this scenario still in place.
Adakah pendidikan agama semakin berkurangan sehingga seseorang itu tidak dapat menahan nafsu serakah mereka? I believe all religions are against sex crime. It is beyond our norm. Yes, sex is vital and its part of human needs. But it has to be controlled in such a way we can only have sex when you are legally married. Even if we are legally married, sex ada tatatertib nya tersendiri.
Maybe orang-orang kita (men especially) dah over-exposed dengan tayangan gambar lucah (terlampau) sehinggakan tak dapat menahan nafsu mereka. Dah tau tak tahan, kenapa tengok kan? Tapi itulah manusia yang kurang/cetek akalnya.
In today's paper, a girl who met with an accident was raped while she was injured with a broken arm. Kejinya lelaki itu!! And to make matter worst, he even sprayed something to the girls' eyes.
As a mom, it is an alerting situation that i MUST monitor my kids from now on. Not only my daughter but also my son. Jenayah sex kat Malaysia ni dah tak mengenal umur.. budak-budak pun jalan gak. Nauzubillah!
For a mom with a daughter, i felt insecure to raise my daughter in this situation. We have to monitor our daughters 24 by 7 if this scenario still in place.
Adakah pendidikan agama semakin berkurangan sehingga seseorang itu tidak dapat menahan nafsu serakah mereka? I believe all religions are against sex crime. It is beyond our norm. Yes, sex is vital and its part of human needs. But it has to be controlled in such a way we can only have sex when you are legally married. Even if we are legally married, sex ada tatatertib nya tersendiri.
Maybe orang-orang kita (men especially) dah over-exposed dengan tayangan gambar lucah (terlampau) sehinggakan tak dapat menahan nafsu mereka. Dah tau tak tahan, kenapa tengok kan? Tapi itulah manusia yang kurang/cetek akalnya.
In today's paper, a girl who met with an accident was raped while she was injured with a broken arm. Kejinya lelaki itu!! And to make matter worst, he even sprayed something to the girls' eyes.
As a mom, it is an alerting situation that i MUST monitor my kids from now on. Not only my daughter but also my son. Jenayah sex kat Malaysia ni dah tak mengenal umur.. budak-budak pun jalan gak. Nauzubillah!
Friday, April 16, 2010
March Progress
GREEN is the theme for March at Muqtasaem's school.
Most of his arts&craft are based on Flowers and plant.
This month punya arts & crafts kurang, sebab ada one week school holiday
Most of his arts&craft are based on Flowers and plant.
Flower Pencil
Book of leaves
This month punya arts & crafts kurang, sebab ada one week school holiday
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Di mana lokasi perkahwinan anda?
Couples who are getting married now can add another location options for their wedding. Typical wedding locations are community halls, hotels, Dewan Felda, restaurants, fields or the most famous place - your parents house. So now if you want to be different, you can choose POLICE STATIONS to hold your receptions! You heard it right - police station aka Balai Polis.
This is a part of community policing efforts to break the barrier between local community and police force.
I wonder whether we can have the police to do some demo like martial art for the wedding
So for those getting married soon, book the police stations near you for your wedding reception :D
This is a part of community policing efforts to break the barrier between local community and police force.
I wonder whether we can have the police to do some demo like martial art for the wedding
So for those getting married soon, book the police stations near you for your wedding reception :D
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kami Prihatin, anda bagaimana?
Kempen Kami Prihatin telah dilancarkan pada 22 Mac oleh Utusan Malaysia. Kempen ini bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran orang ramai tentang gejala penderaan kanak-kanak dan pembuangan bayi yang semakin menjadi-jadi sejak kebelakangan ini.
Tapi, sejak dilancarkan masih ada bayi yang dibuang. Sedih kan? Harapnya dengan adanya kempen ini, jumlah pembuangan bayi dapat dikurangkan atau lebih baik tiada langsung kes pembuangan bayi.
Menurut statistik sejak empat tahun lalu, sebanyak 407 kes pembuangan bayi dan 10,758 kes penderaan dilaporkan kepada pihak polis dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM).
Bloggers juga boleh menyatakan sokongan terhadap Kempen Kami Prihatin. Bagaimana? Mari kita pamerkan logo Kami Prihatin di blog masing-masing.
Untuk berita terkini, sila layari Kempen Kami Prihatin di Utusan Malaysia.
InsyaAllah, dengan adanya kempen ini gejala ini dapat dibendung. Sedih tengok bayi-bayi yang dibuang. Comel-comel belaka. Baik la bagi kat orang yang memang nak anak tapi tak dapat.
Tapi, sejak dilancarkan masih ada bayi yang dibuang. Sedih kan? Harapnya dengan adanya kempen ini, jumlah pembuangan bayi dapat dikurangkan atau lebih baik tiada langsung kes pembuangan bayi.
Menurut statistik sejak empat tahun lalu, sebanyak 407 kes pembuangan bayi dan 10,758 kes penderaan dilaporkan kepada pihak polis dan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM).
Bloggers juga boleh menyatakan sokongan terhadap Kempen Kami Prihatin. Bagaimana? Mari kita pamerkan logo Kami Prihatin di blog masing-masing.
Untuk berita terkini, sila layari Kempen Kami Prihatin di Utusan Malaysia.
InsyaAllah, dengan adanya kempen ini gejala ini dapat dibendung. Sedih tengok bayi-bayi yang dibuang. Comel-comel belaka. Baik la bagi kat orang yang memang nak anak tapi tak dapat.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
If I die today...
Recently i got to know an ex colleague of mine just lost his husband in an accident. And she couldn't see the husband for the last time, as the accident occurred oversea and his remain was buried there. Bergenang airmata bila dengar cerita ni. He left 2 children aged 7 and 2 years old. Bayangkan perasaan anak-anak bila dapat tau, yang ayahnya pergi outstation tapi takkan balik forever. Tak masuk lagi perasaan si isteri. Mau tak bergenang airmata. Itulah dinamakan ajal maut itu pasti cuma masa yang akan menentukannya.
If i were to die today, have i prepare enough for my partner and kids to survive on their own? It may sound materialistic but its the reality. Some of the things that we can prepare ourselves for any unfortunate events
1. Wasiat
Mungkin harta kita tak seberapa, tapi jangan lupa buat wasiat untuk waris-waris kita yang berhak. Kalau takde wasiat, harta akan dibahagikan secara faraid. Senaraikan semua harta and akaun bank yang ada dan wasiatkan la kepada waris. More info from JAKIM.
2. EPF
Jangan lupa buat penamaan waris untuk EPF! Banyak tu EPF kalau dah 10 tahun kerja kan. So sedikit sebanyak duit ni boleh meringankan beban waris kelak. Sesiapa yang tak buat lagi yang ini, sila ke pejabat KWSP. Penamaan waris boleh diubah bila-bila masa. More info on EPF Death Withdrawal.
3. Insurance
If you are the main breadwinner, make sure you have an insurance policy. Generasi sekarang dah makin terbuka minda pasal insurance. Mungkin bulan-bulan bayar premium kita tak nampak hasilnya. Tapi kita tak tau apa yang akan berlaku in the future. So this is a 'saving' for the uncertainties of the future.
4. Education Plan
If you have kids, please take an education policy for them. Some may say, SSPN or ASD is enough. But having education plan for your kids is a better option. Why? because when the depositor died, the insurance company will continue the payment till its maturity. Walla ur kids education fund is already there when he/she needs it.
So have we prepared ourselves, if we were to die today?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Project Alpha Season 2
Project Alpha Season 2 has just launched. It was held at Cineleisure. It was an honour to meet and mingle with famous bloggers. Who would have thought blogger could be celebrities. Once upon a time, blog is just a medium for normal people to write, give opinion openly on the internet. But now bloggers are becoming like celebrities!

I was invited to the "Meet the fans" session with the featured bloggers of Project Alpha Season 2. The bloggers for season 2 are KY, Cheesie, Shaolintiger, Azwan Ali, Niki Cheong, Ninie Ahmad and Joe Lee.

After the mingling and eating session, we watched the trailer for Project Alpha Season 2 and 'Kiss Ass' movie. At first i thought of leaving early, but the movie turned out quite good! I think it was adapted from a comic. Although i'm not a comic reader, but the movie was good. If u have seen Sin City, i think you would love this movie more.

So dont forget to catch Project Alpha Season 2 on 19th of April and if you’re on twitter, follow #ProjectAlpha.
Project Alpha season 2 is brought officially by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 as well as MAS.

Me & my sister
I was invited to the "Meet the fans" session with the featured bloggers of Project Alpha Season 2. The bloggers for season 2 are KY, Cheesie, Shaolintiger, Azwan Ali, Niki Cheong, Ninie Ahmad and Joe Lee.

Amboi-amboi :)

After the mingling and eating session, we watched the trailer for Project Alpha Season 2 and 'Kiss Ass' movie. At first i thought of leaving early, but the movie turned out quite good! I think it was adapted from a comic. Although i'm not a comic reader, but the movie was good. If u have seen Sin City, i think you would love this movie more.

Ninie Ahmad

KY who was my ex-colleague
So dont forget to catch Project Alpha Season 2 on 19th of April and if you’re on twitter, follow #ProjectAlpha.
Project Alpha season 2 is brought officially by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 as well as MAS.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Nadhirah with her new toy!
We bought this toy at Toys R Us. I think it cost about RM39. It teaches the kids about colors, shapes and counting 1 to 5.
Nadhirah was too occupied with it. And she did it on her own, without us teaching her how to do it. You Go Girl!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I want an Aviator too
My blogging mood is yet to recover due to recent incident. So enjoy some pictures of Nadhirah bergaya with her aunt's sunnies. Oh it reminds me i need to get a new sunnies.
how do i look mama?
Can i be a Ray Ban model?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Birthday Celebration
This year Muqtasaem celebrated his birthday twice. The first one was done at his school. Every month, they will celebrate birthdays for every kids born in the particular month. We ordered cupcakes for his classmates with "Ball" as the theme. I'm running out of ideas for the birthday themes. We've done cars & Thomas previously.
The cakes were ordered from YummyBites. Thanks Intan for accommodating my order in such a short notice!
And last Sunday we had a small birthday celebration at Marche, The Curve. It was just among the families. And we also ordered another cake by YummyBites with Pocoyo as the theme.
Cute kan?
I was too occupied with the kids and eating, sampai lupa nak amik gambar. My Bad! Only managed to take pictures of the cakes :).
After the celebration, we ronda-ronda at The Curve. I like the Curve because its family-friendly. There are not so many shops/boutiques like KLCC or Pavillion. It focuses more on dining. And for me i love the 1st floor, where the kids can play at the play area while i do my shopping at various kids store like Mothercare, Osh Kosh etc.
Nadhirah steady je
Muqtasaem on an elephant
Seronok nye jadi kids!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
2 babies = 2 strollers
We bought Combi stroller when Muqtasaem was born.
A year and a half later, when Nadhirah was born a thought of buying another stroller came into mind. Maybe a double stroller like these
However, we do not need these when, the kids opted a better 'transportation'....
Tak payah mama beli stroller mahal-mahal :D
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