Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things that you should NOT do while driving

We often hear the slogan
-          Don’t Drink & Drive - specifically NOT to drink alcohol
-          Don’t use your phone while driving
    Actually there are 1001 things that you shouldn’t do while driving. What are those?
    1.      Do not eat while driving – bayangkan tengah2 mkn sambil drive, ayam KFC yg dimakan terjatuh, mau tak menggelabah nak carik manakah jatuh ayam itu? Saying kan ayam KFC jatuh. Last2 sendiri masuk longkang.

    2.      Do not drink while driving – this is not for alcohol drinks only. It should be applied to all kinda drinks. Imagining yourself tengah sedap-sedap minum caramel cappuccino yang masih panas..suddenly ada keta honk. You terkejut, zass, your lap rasa panas terkena cappuccino yang tumpah. Terus tak concentrate kat jalan, sebab lap rasa panas je. Akibatnya, terlanggar kereta kat depan.

    3.      Do not drive when you are not emotionally stable – This is so true, esp ladies. If you just got a fight with your bf/hubby, please do not drive. You may end up accelerating and driving like mad (hahahhaa, macam pernah buat je). Do not let your emotion clouds your driving senses.

    4.      Do not pump while driving – this is applicable to nursing moms. i understand that you wouldn’t wanna miss any chances of pumping your milk for your baby. Although, you maybe using Madela Freestyler pump, just imagine, suddenly botol terjatuh ke. Dek sayangkan susu yang tumpah, dah tk concentrate driving. Just adjust your schedule properly n don’t do it while driving.

    5.      Do not makeup while driving – this is totally for women drivers (ke ada lelaki yang makeup? eerrr). Maybe you don’t have enough time to makeup at home. But how can you concentrate doing your makeup while driving. Ok lah, you maybe doing makeup while stuck in the traffic. Tengah-tengah apply mascara, kereta dah start moving.then ur mascara smudged sebab tergelabah kena honk orang belakang. Dari nak masuk gear D termasuk gear R. pastuh tekan minyak….dah buat scene di pagi hari.

    Okay, only 5 Don’t for now..the list can go on…

    Some may say that you will not get into these troubles. But trust me; it may at least slightly distract your concentration while driving. We are human, humans are prone of doing mistakes. So if you can avoid, please avoid doing other things while driving. The concentration should be on the road. Eyes on the road, baby!
    Till then, Drive safely!

    1 comment:

    1. eh, jimat masa pe. makeup masa lampu merah je beb..hehe...



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