Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mama, i'm going to school

usually i like to work in December when others on leave. heaven k. takde org kat office. but this year, i opted to take 2 weeks break. one of my main agenda was to scout for Muqtasaem's playschool. He's approaching 3 years old but he has yet to talk. So me & Mr Hubby decided to send him to school. Our reason is to let him mix around with kids his own age and start talking. malu sungguh anak mama ni nk ckp. So after visiting few playschools, we decided to send him to Krista at Bukit Antarabangsa.

why we choose Krista? Simple, the fee fits our budget (this is important!!!) and i like the syllabus - sesuai for kids his age. there is this one kindie, they already have computer classes for age 3 kids. owh no, i dont want to expose my son so early. maybe i'm being conservative, but i think kids need to play to encourage their creativity. i want them to have fun..not to stress them how important to be genius at a very young age. pity them, kids shud have fun! and not studying and jadi ulat buku. well i do buy books for them, to build up their interest in books. but i did not enforce them to read it all the time.

well back to the story, yes we have registered Muqtasaem to Krista! and he will start 4th January 2010!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Test test

Testing using blogpress

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nadhirah turns 14 months

Nadhirah turns 14 months on 09.09.09. thats a special date for the year.
So far she already got 8 batang gigi and still kuat makan. one thing i noticed, she does not get crancky or fever masa tumbuh gigi. tau2 je dah ada nampak putih2 at her gusi. some people say because breastfed babies are like that. Alhamdulillah, i still managed to breastfeed her till today and am hoping till she turns 2 years old. InsyaAllah.

Friday, September 4, 2009

mama pinjam bulu mata bley

both my kids have long and curly eyelashes. mama nye sangat jeles k. obviously they do not get it from me. mine is as short and as straight as it is. pakai mascara pun tak membantu.

Muqtasaem has always being mistaken as a girl because of his eyes. tgk atas bawah curly.

Masa baby, Nadhirah's eyelashes was short and straight like me. however as she grows up, her eyelashes jadi panjang n curly

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

MySuperKids Special Aidilfitri Giveaway

I first stumbled to this blog few months back and terus jadi follower. she already organised a few contest but i never participate since i'm not blogger yang tegar. But this time, i think i want to join the contest and eventually start blogging again (hopefully!).

So saper2 nak dapatkan voucher minyak PETRONAS. come and join the contest. Since the petrol price has increased, why not get the voucher for free kan?

The PRIZES will be:


PETRONAS fuel voucher worth RM70

Special blog review by MySuperKids


PETRONAS fuel voucher worth RM50


PETRONAS fuel voucher worth RM30

How to join?

Very easy-peasy. Sangat-sangat senang.

Just copy and paste the code provided in her entry

Don’t forget to inform kalau dah buat! Nanti kot ada yang tertinggal pulak :D

The winner will be selected by LUCKY DRAW! Seperti biasa ia akan di-draw-kan oleh dua orang hakim berkaliber kita.

Pssstt… Setiap satu penyertaan akan dapat 1 nombor a.k.a. 1 peluang cabutan, TAPI anda berpeluang untuk dapat berpeluang2 lagi, dengan melakukan ini:-

  1. Tampalkan code di atas di sidebar – 1 KAD CABUTAN <— ini syarat wajib utk sertai giveaway ni.
  2. Buat satu entry ringkas, just copy+paste code di atas juga dalam entry anda – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
  3. Buat satu lagi entry tentang giveaway ni dengan backlink ke MySuperKids – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
  4. Add MySuperKids.net di blogroll – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN (yg dah add pun dikira).
  5. Masukkan link entry ini di FaceBook (notes/status/wall,etc.) – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
  6. Masukkan link entry ini di Twitter – 1 LAGI KAD CABUTAN.
  7. Kalau ada lebih dari satu blog dan buat benda yang sama – CABUTAN DIKIRA 2 KALI.

So apalagi, jom join beramai2

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When i decided not to use any utensils

this happened sometime ago. he was using a fork at first. after a few suap he uses his hands. then ntah tetiba datang mood malas, he just use his mouth to get the mee from the plate. macam2 kerenah

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Macam macam kerenah

Nadhirah: nanti besar i wanna be a deejay la mama..

Oh tidak sama sekali. mahu kena lecture berjela2 by mama & walid. dan akan ditokok tambah oleh wawan n opah. ada mau? Nadhirah is going to turn 14 months soon. Some of her development so far
- can walk n now try to berlari
- she likes to panjat2..tak kira la tangga, kerusi, meja, mama, walid
- when me n hubby come home, she will wait at the door and ask us to carry her n bawak jln2 naik kereta
- she loves to eat..tapi still kurus
- a bit garang..bullying her brother
- pandai angkat handphone/house phone and buat aksi konon2 tgh berckp on the phone
- pandai kiss...this one always make my heart cair
- membebel sorang2...adik jgn jadi minah gossip sudah ler
- can only sebut mama :) walid susah skit nk sebut
- pandai merajuk i.e menangis mengada2 knowing that ada org nak pujuk..

thats my lil princess Nadhirah.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


test posting

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do i look like a girl???

Muqtasaem always get this remarks "Cute nye..girl eh?", "Mata dia cantik, perempuan ke kak?" haiiyooo the problem is, i never dress him in a skirt/any pink shirt,pants. i always dress him the normal blue/green/red shirt with pants. pun org ingat he's a girl. maybe because of his hair kot. so we agreed to cut his hair short. hopefully no more remarks of him being a girl. but i like his hair like before..cute!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Muqtasaem

Its the belated birthday party for our dear son. Muqtasaem. He turned 2 on 28th March 2009. However due to unavailability of mr hubby and my mom, we only managed to celebrate it yesterday. Not so much of a celebration since the birthday boy demam the night before. At the very end, dia boleh demam pulak. So we have a very moody birthday boy. *sigh*. Despite the "Thomas" themed cake, "Thomas" shirt, he refused to celebrate. At the end, the sister yang potong cake J. He was asleep throughout the party and only woke up when everybody dah balik. bila dah bangun, terus dapat mainan n play happily. Anak mama ni…anyways..HAppY Birthday my darling Son. The time seems to fly so fast. I still remember the day I delivered u. don't grow up so fast yeah baby…

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jalan jalan Melaka

The weekend was spent in Melaka. And must that I am very impressed with Melaka!!!..mesti kena gelak. but seriously, Melaka has turned out to be more attractive than before. dulu kalau gi Melaka, yang i tau the Kota A Famosa, jonker street, naik beca. But now, Melaka sangat meng'impress'kan saya. We spent 3 days 2 nights kat Melaka. Hotel fully booked. luckily we managed to secure 2 rooms but not in town. takpe la janji ada place to crash.

First Day
sampai Melaka pun dah petang. check in, relax2. then carik mkn. for the first day, harus la carik asam pedas melaka. since i frequently come to melaka (work related) so ada la this place yg i suka sgt the asam pedas. the kedai called "Apple Burger". why apple burger? sbb this kedai jual burger n dlm burger dia surely ada a slice of apple. tapi tujuan utama nk makan asam pedas. mmg sedap!!. after makan2 balik tdo

Second Day
Day started with bfast kat kedai mee goreng. owh sangat ramai yg dtg ke kedai ini sampai kami pun terjebak skali. Then we headed to Kota A Famosa jalan2 around the area. Masuk the Ship Museum. thot of teruskan the day jalan2 Melaka..but the kids already get crancky. so we headed back to hotel n put them to sleep. after Asar, we jalan2 cari makan. this time we tried Baba Nyonya food at Kapitan House. sedap!! especially omellette with cencaluk.
Dah kenyang, we tried out the Melaka River Cruise. This cruise really impressed me. the river is clean, the surrounding are so cantik..with all the lampu2, some miniature along the river and we are lucky that we managed to catch dancing water show. worth the 45 minutes ride.
After that, we headed towards Menara Taming Sari. We can see the view of Bandar Melaka at night. Even though tak secantik view from Menara KL, but it was ok laa. I noticed ramai la orang gi jalan2 Melaka ni.. maybe the development done in Melaka really attracts people to visit Melaka as the weekend gateway

3rd day
since dah last day, we all sumer bangun lambat. laze around, had breakfast. and then we went to Bee Museum. why bee museum?? sebab mr hubs nak beli madu..itu jer. then after checkout, we headed to my grandma's house. haruslah menyinggah, dah la rumah nenek kat ngan melaka. nanti jadik cucu durhaka plak. that's all for the weekend gateway.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 9th Months Adik!!

My lil princess turns 9 months today..cepatnya. ok let see what she can do
- she can crawl
- she can panjat2 already..
- cuba mau berdiri sambil pegang
- sudah ada 2 batang gigi
- garang, especially to the brother...sgt garang okkkk...nnt if i can snap his picture tgh marah
- already know when we call out her name

so fast the time flies..i still remember the day i delivered you. what a story to tell!!! nanti la i story mori k

HAppy Birthday Adik..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kan mama dah cakap....

"Kan mama dah cakap"..dulu masa kecik2 selalu dengar ayat ni..eh coppp..dah besar pun dengar gak. Now i used that on my son, however i dont think he understands. anyways, this what happened when you do not listen to what mama says. Anak bujang sorang ni suka main kat dapur..berkali2 kata "No" tak jugak paham. Even though the kitchen door is closed, he's smart enough to open it. Gerammm k. Then last night, while i'm entertaining my 2 friends who came over, suddenly i heard "PPaaannnggg" followed by a loud cry. apalagi mama nya berlari2 la..yaa ampunn, sebotol kicap telah pecah. i quickly grabbed my son and washed his feet. at first i didnt see any blood, lega skit..tapi masa tengah basuh kaki dia, byk nye darah keluar. i pun dah tergenang airmata tgk darah yg keluar. cepat2 la i keringkan his feet, n terus rushed him to the clinic. 
Doctor pun cuci the wound just to make sure no pieces of glasses left.luka nya pun boleh tahan. sib baik la tak payah jahit. satu clinic dengar jeritan si hero sorang ni..As the result, berplaster la kaki. Kan mama dah cakap.....

walaupun kaki berbalut, dia sudah berlari2 seolah tiada apa2 yg berlaku..oohh anakku


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